The Edinburgh Climate Compact is a commitment by the leading businesses and employers in Edinburgh to take action within their own organisation to contribute to a green recovery and radically reduce the city’s carbon emissions.

The Climate Compact outlines clear action areas that organisations commit to in signing the document. Action areas are clear but specific actions are not always given to allow space for each organisation to tailor activity to their own particular context.

Organisations interested in joining the Edinburgh Climate Compact should review the document's commitments and ensure sign-off at the highest level in the organisation. You may wish to use the introductory presentation about the Edinburgh Climate Compact to share information about the compact with colleagues.

As founders of the Edinburgh Climate Compact, we will convene, catalyse and challenge signatories. We will recognise and celebrate what organisations are doing now and highlight actions they plan to take on their journey to net-zero.

How does it work?

Within the first month of joining signatories will have to:

  • Publish their current emissions
  • Publicise information on they are currently doing to reduce their climate impact.
  • Complete the benchmarking sheet and return it to the compact’s administrator


  • Contribute to regular blogs on progress, to be featured on the commission website

Every Quarter:

  • Attend the Compact all signatories meetings to share successes and challenges 
  • Champions will host on a rotating basis


  • Complete the annual benchmarking sheet

Email us if you would like your organisation be considered as part of the Edinburgh Climate Compact.

The Commission will review your application and a formal invite to join will be issued. It is required that this document is signed by a senior leader (CEO or similar).

Information and support for SMEs 

We have worked hard to ensure the Climate Compact is accessible to businesses of all sizes.

Therefore, while the Compact is deliberately ambitious and will by nature challenge businesses of all sizes, it has been designed to be flexible enough that businesses with high ambition levels can commit regardless of their starting point.

We recognise that small to medium enterprises (SMEs) may require some additional support when becoming a  signatory. With this in mind, we have put together useful information to assist SMEs in committing to the terms of Compact. This will help organisations of all sizes in investing in net zero and building a better future for Edinburgh.


Edinburgh Climate Compact signatories





Edinburgh Airport

Edinburgh Art Festival

Edinburgh College

Edinburgh Festival Fringe Society

Edinburgh Leisure

Edinburgh International Conference Centre (EICC)

Edinburgh International Book Festival

Edinburgh International Festival

Edinburgh Napier University

Edinburgh Remakery

Edinburgh Science

Edinburgh Trams


Natwest Group

NHS Lothian

Robertson Group

SP Energy Networks

Shepherd and Wedderburn

The City of Edinburgh Council

The Scottish Parliament

The University of Edinburgh

