Quicker action needed on Edinburgh's City Mobility Plan to meet climate targets

Fri, 02/19/2021 - 10:24

Transport is the single biggest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions in Edinburgh – making up just under a third of the city’s emissions.

It is also the sector where, since 2000, the smallest emission reductions have been achieved.

We know that addressing the sector’s emissions needs bold action. It needs to deliver safe, accessible and well-connected walking and cycle routes to make trips by foot and bike the default choice for citizens.

Budget Investment Needs To Focus On Meeting Climate Goals

Thu, 02/04/2021 - 00:00

In May 2019 Edinburgh committed to becoming a “net-zero” carbon city by 2030.  

We are now in 2021 and the clock is ticking. With only nine year to net-zero it is vital that we move from commitments to action. Becoming net-zero has to become engrained in all our actions.  

Action will be required at all levels – for us as individuals, the companies we work for and the public sector services that support us.

BLOG: The Fringe’s blueprint for a more sustainable festival

Mon, 02/01/2021 - 20:21

The Edinburgh Festival Fringe Society is proud to be a founding signatory of the Edinburgh Climate Compact, led by the Edinburgh Climate Commission.

The Edinburgh Climate Compact is a commitment by the leading businesses and employers in Scotland’s Capital to take action within their own organisation and sectors to contribute to a green recovery and radically reduce the city’s carbon emissions.

Robertson: Signing Edinburgh Climate Compact Aligns With Commitment To Sustainable Future

Mon, 01/25/2021 - 00:00

Climate Change has been described as the defining issue of our time by the UN, and with COP26 on the horizon we are at a defining moment in time.

Without significant action now we will see an increase in climate pressures like higher temperatures, extreme weather, and rising sea levels, which in turn will lead to an increase in the risk to life, damage to infrastructure and supply chain disruption. Action is required now.   

University Of Edinburgh: Signing Climate Compact Puts Science At Heart Of Climate Action

Wed, 01/20/2021 - 00:00

The University of Edinburgh is deeply concerned by the climate crisis.

As a global leader in climate change research we provide some of the expertise needed to help understand, adapt to and prevent the varied effects of global heating and the many issues it intersects with.

We work in partnership with communities, organisations and governments to ensure this knowledge forms the bedrock of decision-making at all levels of society.

For A Green Recovery That Works For All, Scotland Must Transition To A Wellbeing Economy

Mon, 12/21/2020 - 00:00

2020 has been a tough year, but it’s also been a chance for many people to pause and reflect on whether our current economic system is built for purpose.

As more and more people, including political leaders, voice their support for a green recovery, it’s important that this results in long-term, positive outcomes.

Fortunately, Scotland has all the tools we need to make it happen.

Unique City Compact launched to catalyse action on climate change

Sun, 12/20/2020 - 10:14

Six leading Edinburgh businesses and employers have signed a pledge aimed at sparking radical action on climate change across the city.

Launched by the Edinburgh Climate Commission, the Edinburgh Climate Compact outlines a list of commitments which organisations taking part will need to adopt, to contribute to a green recovery and help Edinburgh reach its target of net zero emissions by 2030.

Edinburgh's Climate Compact Highlights Impact Of Teamwork And Collaboration In Addressing Climate Change

Fri, 12/18/2020 - 00:00

The Edinburgh Climate Compact is a unique opportunity for Scotland’s capital to show the world the power that teamwork and collaboration has in addressing the climate emergency.

It is the first of its kind in Scotland and moves the city on from its declaration of a climate emergency in 2019 towards the ambitious target it set itself to meet net zero emissions by 2030.

A Net Zero Carbon Roadmap for Edinburgh published

Mon, 12/07/2020 - 09:33


A Net Zero Carbon Roadmap for Edinburgh

The Place-based Climate Action Network has released the final version of its Net Zero Carbon Roadmap for Edinburgh.

Using economic modelling, the Roadmap shows how Edinburgh can accelerate towards Net Zero emissions by 2030 by making changes to its housing, buildings, transport and industry.

It also quantifies the financial and carbon benefits of intervening in these four key areas.